Transitioning From Tuscan Style To Farmhouse Style Decorating

Hello, sweet friends! Is anyone still around? Please pardon my absence from blogging. I just don’t have the time to blog and video like I once did, but when I do have something to share, I will.  I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
I really should re-title my blog and name it…
The Suburban Farmhouse,
because I am trying to transform my home from Tuscan to Farmhouse style. I know everyone has their own spin on “Farmhouse Style” so this is my version of it.
I ordered 2 pip berry garlands from Amazon and added 4 candle holders/4 LED Candles – on timers, and centered it all around my iron/wood gate and hung a spring wreath from it.  I do not decorate for Winter, I go straight to my spring decor, because it is cheerful and makes me happy. It reminds me of warmer/brighter days ahead. 😉
Guess what I did? I created this faux mantle. We have very tall windows and I wanted to add a focal point wall.  I moved my dining room to the living room, and my living room to the dining room, and I am LOVING it!
The little pops of yellow and blue are so soothing and cheerful. 
We don’t use our dining room often, so I decided to accessorize and dress the room as if it were staged, ha! 
These are some accessories on the side buffet.
 I added some faux bread to this basket.  
At the other end of the table I added some faux artichokes in a white bowl. Remember, this is purely for looks…just something pretty to look at as we pass by this room. 😉
The brown 1980’s hutch will be chalk painted white, soon!
I have more to show you in this room, but I am still working on a few things.
I am looking for a huge area rug to go under the table, but I haven’t come across one I like yet. So I sit and I wait….

It’s been so-so cold outside, so I had to bring some spring colors inside. 🙂

I just purchased the hutch you see in the background – with the market sign on top. I love this new piece.
What I think is missing and so desperately needed is a large area rug and some extra long curtains to add warmth to the space. 
I’m trying to add more pops of white with natural wood colored – rustic pieces.
I went to Hobby Lobby last week and found some great Farmhouse style accessories….oh boy!!
So that’s it for today, ladies! I have so much to show you. 
I hope I can find some time to add some videos to the mix.
I have four daughters all in cheer, 3 are in school cheer, plus all four are in competitive cheer, and tumbling classes. Two are also in choir, so we are a busy family. I’m always taking pictures and video when I decorate, but just when I think I have time to post something, somebody has to go here, or there, so this mom never gets around to doing it. lol! …Motherhood! 
I hope I haven’t lost all of you, I miss you guys.
Sending Love and ((Hugs)) ~Liz